Light BishopA Bishop which moves on light-coloured squares....
Light PieceAnother expression for minor piece....
Lightning ChessAnother term for speed or Blitz Chess....
Live ChessLiving chessLiving chessThe performance of a Chess game where the pieces are represented by real people....
Living ChessThe performance of a Chess game where the pieces are represented by real people....
Long CastlingExpression sometimes used to describe castling Queen-side....
Major PiecesThe Queen and Rooks....
MateCheckmateCheckmateAn attack against the opponent's King which the King cannot escape....
MateShort for Checkmate. When a King cannot avoid capture....
MaterialThe total value in points of a player's pieces on the Chessboard....
Mating AttackAn attack, which aims to Checkmate the King....
Mating SacrificeA material sacrifice made to achieve Checkmate....
MiddlegameThe second phase of the game following the opening....
MiniatureA short game usually 20 moves or less. ...
Minor piecesThe Bishops and Knights....
Open fileA file cleared of Pawns....
OpeningThe first phase of the game before the middlegame and endgame....
OppositionA position in which opposing Kings stand on the same rank or file in an endgame, separated from each other by only one square....
Passed PawnA Pawn unopposed, on its own or adjacent files, by a Pawn of another color....
PassiveA piece or position with limited mobility....
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